Sunday, 2 September 2018

Don’t Allow Social Rejection To Define Yourself.

Social rejection is what happens when an individual is not accepted into a certain society, culture, or group. I had friends in the past and even still have friends who have been affected by social rejection.  So, I do understand how difficult social rejection can be for a person because as humans, we need social interaction to survive. Loneliness is not only uncomfortable and depressing; it affects our physical well-being too. But the reality is that social rejection, despite being a phenomenon that deeply affects our health, and is strongly embedded in us, does not have to DEFINE YOU. And in this blog, in my perspective I am trying to argue that the term "social reject" is a crude way to define & categorize someone who does not quite fit in because of the following reason;

Everyone Contributes Something
There is no one in the world exactly like you. Each experience you have had throughout your life (good or bad) has given you a unique perspective that no one else on the planet shares with you. Think of each day of your life like a puzzle piece, each one perfectly fitting together to form the overall picture that is you. You will only truly belong to a group when that group recognizes and appreciates what you are capable of, and when you fill a special role within that group that cannot be substituted by anyone else. This means that your unique personality, the things you are good at, and your mental, physical, and emotional presence serves the others of your group, and they likewise serve you. Finding the group that you fit into will require you to see what you can bring to the table and connect with those who will appreciate those particular qualities.

Being Socially Accepted Is Not Everything
If you are trying to gain acceptance to achieve happiness, it is important to realize that type of happiness is temporary. To have the long-lasting happiness that creates meaningful satisfaction in life, you must have a solid emotional foundation within yourself that only depends on how you see you. Although the desire and pressure to fit in with a certain group weigh heavy, it is not the only thing that will bring fulfillment to your life. In fact, as soon as you start looking for validation from others around you to bring you happiness, you immediately begin neglecting the happiness that you can create for yourself. Putting your worth completely in the hands of others means you give them complete power over how you view yourself, which is dangerous because no one will care for you as you will care for yourself.

Numbers Do Not Matter.
When it comes to social acceptance, quality is more important than quantity because the number of friends you have will never make up for having meaningful ties to others who accept you no matter who you are. Do not fall into the trap of thinking you do not have the right number of friends. After all, friendships are not things we collect, they are living, breathing things we must care for, just as we would a child or pet, and that type of commitment requires quality attention that is not always possible in a large group.

     Sometimes social rejection may not have a specific reason. Unfortunately, certain physical or mental barriers prevent us from always being able to connect with those around us. So Instead of viewing social rejection as something that limits, remember that it presents an opportunity to find what we can contribute.

     And finally, I would like to quote the one of my friend who triggered me  to write this specific blog- Sourav Bhattacharjee who keep saying to people during casual conversations “Don’t let your negative thoughts ruin your opportunities. And no matter, even if you think you are alone, keep moving, as time doesn’t wait for anyone”
-      Francis Lazar.