Tuesday, 26 December 2017

Life Beyond Happiness; The Way Forward...


In today's world trusting people have become a rare factor in human relationship. It is so low that children don't share their problems with parents nor  couples share their problems with each other. The trust deficit in relationship is so high that we don't share our issues or concerns among humans rather we would only share our fake happiness to our invaluable en-number of friends on social media whom we hardly know well.

Earlier the bonding among the humans was so strong that we used to share problems to humans who understand our issues in much better way unlike today where we keep updating our moods on artificial platforms which doesn't even find solution nor console us. The issue of self esteem never intervined while sharing our problems with our loved ones earlier because of the strong bonding humans had at that time, hence the term such as depression, anxiety disorder etc. was rare and abnormal at that time.

Today the ultimate goal in life has turned out to be pursuing happiness. But in the run, to pursue happiness people are becoming hopeless and full of emptiness causing depression. This is because people are so obsessed with pursuing happiness in life rather than having meaningful life.

For the  information of my readers; psychologically “happiness” is defined as a short term state of well being where as “meaningful life” would result in eternal happiness.
Hence I would say a life beyond happiness i.e. living a meaningful life is much better than just pursuing happiness.

Now the question which arises is how one can live a meaning full life?
According to me there are four factors or pillars which lead one to live a meaningful life and they are -Belongingness, Purpose, Transcendence, self-consoling.

Let me start by mentioning to my readers that a true belongingness is a state where you are valued for whom you are, and not for whom you are not. If you try to live in fazard life for the sake of creating a network of belongingness with the people whom you wish to, then let me tell that in the long run this won’t work out because the fazard life you showcased will disappear as you feel that the belongings you have created really understand  you.  But in reality the circumstance would be in another way because you were valued for whom you were not. So in short let me conclude by saying that one should have network but at same time one should try  to spare time to create belongingness among the society which really values whom you are, and supports you at the time of the need.

In order to live a life meaningful, one should have a purpose in his/her life. Purpose really drives person to live in this world. No matter if you fail in your life you won’t attempt to suicide or end your life. This is because a person in this world who has some objective won’t look back until and unless he achieve his purpose.  And happiness will automatically follow once you achieve your purpose.

Transcendence is a state of going beyond reality. For some people transcendence occur by attending some lecture or seminar and for some people transcendence occur while they stay alone. One should have the daring power to doubt the existing realities and come out with empirical solution or alternatives resulting in giving life for meaning full. This is because one can’t be happy in the long run by believing the doubtful.

Self-consoling is very important key to live a successful life.  Self-consoling is an ability of consoling oneself during the times of failure and empowering oneself to believe in his/her abilities.
A person like Bill Gates who failed in his life during his early stage won’t have built a successful firm like Microsoft if he didn’t have self-consoling ability.

     Hence as I mentioned earlier and by taking the example with reflection of people lives such as  Bill Gates, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Swami Vivekananda and many others, living a meaningful life is much better than just  pursuing happiness in life.

-Francis Lazar.