In my opinion a
Nation's strength is in its human resource. If we take example of India among
the developing nations India has the highest GDP. One of the main reasons is
its huge population. The same reason goes with China. However India is different,
we can’t compare china and India on same scale, as India is a democratic nation
which has bureaucratic policy making procedure. However India still retains the
position among the successful growing economies in the world due to its
successful large scale of human resources.
(Image courtesy- Google)
Based upon my observation,
the Indian population has a great aspirations and the thirst to earn money
resulting because of the differences people see between the minority rich class’s
lifestyle and the poor. From the beginning, life on earth followed the natural
laws, but human being always tried to learn by experiments even though divine
knowledge spotlights everything. In India the thirst for making money under
huge competition of employment challenges have already started affecting its human
And the question
is does India really recognize its strength and does India give its due concerns
to its human recourses? The answer is simply “NO”, in India both employers (except few) & employees
doesn’t give due concern for work life balance programs even though they
hear about it a lot that, work and an employee’s lifestyle, social life,
health, family etc., is greatly linked with employee productivity, performance
and job satisfaction. Where there is proper balance between work and life,
employees tend to put in their best efforts at workplace.
The fact that unemployment,
job insecurity and huge difference between rich and the poor is still a challenge
the world is facing and for India it’s much bigger challenge due to its huge
population. Today we find 25 year old diagnosed with heart attacks; the rise in depression and anxiety among the young people is increasing at higher rate each
year. Hence there is high possibility that
what is India’s strength today contributing to its GDP will decline tomorrow. The
pressure of increasingly demanding work culture in India is perhaps the biggest
and most pressing challenge to the mental health of employees. Stressful job
conditions and work-life imbalance are pieces of a more complex puzzle.
If the employers
take a step ahead and try develop their current employees resulting in career opportunity in the same organization
they working for, and provide job security rather following the policy of HIRE
AND FIRE. At the same time if government proactively work on unemployment issues
and reducing the difference in classes. The country could retain its biggest
asset or else the country may start seeing a decline in its biggest asset
contributing for the growth and become a country for immigrants like U.S.
wherein the nation’s own majority of the people are unemployable, hence to sustain we may need to depend on immigrants.
-Francis Lazar